Variables Prestashop

// Variables Globales
$base_dir (root folder of your shop)
$base_dir_ssl (root folder of your shop using HTTPS protocol)
$content_dir (root folder of your shop depending on the SSL settings)
$img_ps_dir (root folder containing images "/img/")
$img_dir (images folder in your current theme directory)
$img_lang_dir (URL for the directory with languages images)
$img_sup_dir (URL for the directory with suppliers images)
$img_ship_dir (URL for the directory with carriers images)
$img_prod_dir (URL for the directory with products images)
$img_manu_dir (URL for the directory with manufacturers images)
$img_cat_dir (URL for the directory with categories images)
$css_dir (css folder inside the current theme folder)
$js_dir (JavaScript folder inside the theme folder)
$tpl_dir (theme root folder)
$pic_dir (URL for the directory with uploaded pictures)
$modules_dir (modules root folder)
$mail_dir (mail templates root folder)
$lang_iso (current language ISO code)
$come_from (previous page address [absolute])
$shop_name (your specified shop name)
$cart_qties (total number of products in the cart)
$cart (shopping cart contents)
$cart->id (ID of customer cart)
$cart->id_shop_group (ID of shop group (multistore feature))
$cart->id_shop (ID of shop (multistore feature))
$cart->id_address_delivery (ID of customer address delivery (only if order was made))
$cart->id_address_invoice (ID of customer address invoice (only if order was made))
$cart->id_currency (ID of cart currency)
$cart->id_customer (ID of customer for which cart belongs (only if customer is logged))
$cart->id_guest (ID of shop guest)
$cart->id_lang (ID of cart language)
$cart->recycable (Bool value if recycable checked for this cart)
$cart->gift (Bool value if gift checed for this cart)
$cart->gift_message (Gift message)
$cart->mobile_theme (Bool value if cart was created on mobile device)
$cart->date_add (Date of cart creation)
$cart->date_upd (Date of cart update)
$cart->id_carrier (Id of cart carrier (if selected))
$cart->checkedTos (Bool value if terms of service is checked)
$currencies (pulls available currencies)
$id_currency_cookie (selected currency id [cookie dependent])
$currency (active currency)
$cookie (active cookie)
$languages (grabs available languages)
$logged (checks whether users is logged in)
$page_name (current page name)
$customerName (customer name [session dependent])
$priceDisplay (current price display settings [currency dependent])
$roundMode (Rounding method in use)
$use_taxes (Indicates whether taxes are enabled or not)
// Category
// Product
// Smarty.const
// etc. (Voir dans config/, valable pour toutes les autres)
// Constantes crées par la configuration Prestashop :
// Base et thèmes
define(‘THEMES_DIR‘, PS_BASE_URI.‘themes/);
define(‘THEME_CAT_DIR‘, PS_BASE_URI.‘img/c/);
define(‘THEME_PROD_DIR‘, PS_BASE_URI.‘img/p/);
define(‘THEME_PROD_PIC_DIR‘, PS_BASE_URI.‘upload/);
define(’THEME_MANU_DIR‘, PS_BASE_URI.‘img/m/);
define(’THEME_SCENE_DIR‘, PS_BASE_URI.‘img/scenes/);
define(’THEME_SCENE_THUMB_DIR‘, PS_BASE_URI.‘img/scenes/thumbs’);
define(’THEME_SUP_DIR‘, PS_BASE_URI.‘img/su/);
define(’THEME_SHIP_DIR‘, PS_BASE_URI.‘img/s/);
define(’THEME_LANG_DIR‘, PS_BASE_URI.‘img/l/);
define(’THEME_COL_DIR‘, PS_BASE_URI.‘img/co/);
define(’SUPP_DIR‘, PS_BASE_URI.‘img/su/);
define(’MAIL_DIR‘, PS_BASE_URI.‘mails/);
define(’MODULE_DIR‘, PS_BASE_URI.‘modules/);
define(’PS_IMG‘, PS_BASE_URI.‘img/);
define(’PS_ADMIN_IMG‘, PS_IMG.‘admin/);
// Dossier :
define(’PS_ROOT_DIR‘, realpath($currentDir./..));
define(’PS_CLASS_DIR‘, PS_ROOT_DIR./classes/);
define(’PS_TRANSLATIONS_DIR‘, PS_ROOT_DIR./translations/);
define(’PS_DOWNLOAD_DIR‘, PS_ROOT_DIR./download/);
define(’PS_MAIL_DIR‘, PS_ROOT_DIR./mails/);
define(’PS_MODULE_DIR‘, PS_ROOT_DIR./modules/);
define(’PS_ALL_THEMES_DIR‘, PS_ROOT_DIR./themes/);
define(’PS_THEME_DIR‘, PS_ROOT_DIR./themes/.THEME_NAME./);
define(’PS_IMG_DIR‘, PS_ROOT_DIR./img/);
define(’PS_CAT_IMG_DIR‘, PS_IMG_DIR.‘c/);
define(’PS_PROD_IMG_DIR‘, PS_IMG_DIR.‘p/);
define(’PS_SCENE_IMG_DIR‘, PS_IMG_DIR.‘scenes/);
define(’PS_SCENE_THUMB_IMG_DIR‘, PS_IMG_DIR.‘scenes/thumbs/);
define(’PS_MANU_IMG_DIR‘, PS_IMG_DIR.‘m/);
define(’PS_SHIP_IMG_DIR‘, PS_IMG_DIR.‘s/);
define(’PS_SUPP_IMG_DIR‘, PS_IMG_DIR.‘su/);
define(’PS_COL_IMG_DIR‘, PS_IMG_DIR.‘co/);
define(’PS_TMP_IMG_DIR‘, PS_IMG_DIR.‘tmp/);
define(’PS_PROD_PIC_DIR‘, PS_ROOT_DIR./upload/);
define(’PS_TOOL_DIR‘, PS_ROOT_DIR./tools/);
define(’PS_SMARTY_DIR‘, PS_TOOL_DIR.‘smarty/);
define(’PS_STEST_DIR‘, PS_TOOL_DIR.‘simpletest/);
define(’PS_SWIFT_DIR‘, PS_TOOL_DIR.‘swift/);
define(’PS_FPDF_PATH‘, PS_TOOL_DIR.‘fpdf/);
define(’PS_PEAR_XML_PARSER_PATH‘, PS_TOOL_DIR.‘pear_xml_parser/);
define(’PS_CSS_DIR‘, PS_BASE_URI.‘css/);
define(’PS_JS_DIR‘, PS_BASE_URI.‘js/);